Tuesday, 18 September 2012

I'm so sick.

I have tonsillitis and am so not happy.
Needless to say, i haven't gone back to work!
I started feeling ill on Sunday night and Neale ended up taking me to the emergency dept at the hospital in the early  hours of Monday morning.  No waiting at the hospial - straight in-very impressed. I was released at 8-30am with a handful of drugs and after blood work said that i had a bacterial  infection they thought it might've been flu at first but no, it was tonsillitis.  My throat s so sore and on  fire - with killer headaches. And temperature has been going up and down.  Can't eat, can't sleep, so tired and so very sore and in so much pain -  would count this as one of the worst attacks i have ever had.  Neale has stayed home from work to look after me and has done an excellent job.  I have an appointment to see my doctor  tomorrow afternoon and i'm going to request tobe given Thurs and Fri off work as i can't handle the thought of work at the moment and don't think i'll be well enough.
